Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mindmapping Myself

After several occasions occurred lately, I felt that I need to re-organize myself. First, I have to re-define what's the most important things in my life, and focus my energy on that. Second, I have to list what's the least important things in my life (that I kept doing), and throw those off my life.

I finally noted down five most important things in my life (sorry I can't write it here, it's confidential :)). These things also have several related things, so I need to depict them in a tree-like structure, and also such a ways that is easy to memorize. I remember a methodology that can be used to draw something that resembles to how human brain works and will help us to memorize something better, that is Mindmapping (I'll not explain about this, yet).

I use Freemind program to draw a mindmap of my life (plans, priorities, etc). I thought that it will be just a two level "nodes", but it grows to almost five level with lots of branches. But it's kinda fun, I can memorize all that I wrote.

Creating the mindmap is easy, the hardest part is to conform with what I've written. I have to, and I must, because it'll help me to be a better person.

NB: This post has nothing to do with the upcoming 18th July 2008.


  1. Huehehe, what are those five most important things in your life?
    I wonder...why is it "things"? Not people, I do think people are far more important than things, right?

    Freemind is a cool stuff to draw a mindmap.'s still too "stiff" to draw a mindmap. I have used it since last year. :) Once, I read somewhere, it is sooooo cool to draw mindmap on a pc table, since you can do it directly without mouse, just use the pointer.
    Hiks...wonder, when I will have chance for that..?

  2. @altins:
    What I like from Freemind is that it can link a node to a file, for example I have a node that has lots of child nodes, then I can just create a new file containing all child nodes of that node and link it to the node.

    Besides, it's very flexible to add/edit a node, add new icon, etc. Paint can do that, but will be easier using Freemind. This is just a personal preference.

    Btw, you forgot to attach the link. I'm interested to read about that, please send the link to me.

  3. Hehehe..gomenasai..
    My mistake...
    here's the link..
    Actually it is blog of Kathy Sierra, I think she's Java programming language mother...Hehehehe. Just read the profile, and you'll understand.
    Btw, there are lots of good stuff in her blog..

  4. Wow, a great woman. Can't imagine she's the author of those great HeadFirst books. Thanx for sharing the link.
