Thursday, February 7, 2008

XL Bebas, Is It the Cheapest?

XL is one of GSM operators in Indonesia. Recently, they have a promotion that they claimed as the cheapest fee to all operators in Indonesia, 0.1 IDR/s. But is it true?

If we read more thoroughly at their promotion website, we'll know that it's not entirely true, and tend to trick the user (although they made a very small notification about the condition).

They divide the promotion into several areas, where each area has their own 'calculation'. For example, in Jabodetabek, the promotion scheme is as follow: The first 2 minutes charged at 25 IDR/s and started from the 3rd minute until 4th charged at 0.1 IDR/s. How about minutes after 4? Is it going to continue at 0.1 IDR/s? No, they charged 25 IDR/s for minutes 4 and 5, and continued with 25 IDR/s from minute 6. So for six minutes talk we'll be charged for 3006 IDR.

Another area has a more cheaper 'calculation' than Jabodetabek, which in this case, they might be the cheapest.

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