Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The 'truth' behind SUN-MySQL and MS-Yahoo!

Recently, there are two hot IT-related news that are written in a newspapers (printed and electronic) all over the world. The first is about SUN that bought MySQL, and the last is about Microsoft who is to buy Yahoo.

Ever wonder the real reasons behind that buys? You can read this 'behind the story' article, but don't expect a real story, because it's just a silly conjecture of one of PHP blogger.

Warning: a decent knowledge in IT is required :)


  1. banyak orang berpikir kalau MS buy out Yahoo, sama seperti ketika mereka "menghancurkan" nestcape. Sebagai end user dari produk2 mereka ( giant coorps)menurutku, lebih enaknya lama tawaran ini diperpanjang saja, supaya keuntungan Yahoo meroket. Tak bagus juga kalau google benar2 dominan.

  2. Saya lebih prefer dengan Google yang terang-terangan menggunakan slogan "Don't be evil" :D

  3. Aku suka dengan nuansa google, tapi dari sudut pandang ekonomi, perkembangan yang "terlalu cepat" dalam 2 tahun terakhir, menimbulkan banyak tanda tanya,.

    Google hanya merekrut orang2 "terbaik" dari lulusan top univ di US, this is not good!! They are on their way to suck up human resources and build their giant empire... They are also known to finance many PhD programs... stealing ideas from academic field and patent them.. This is just like what MS did long time ago,.

    The difference is that, as new comer they seem to be cuter and cooler.. but soon, who knows... ??

  4. I didn't see any threat implied by Google sucking up human resources (what's wrong with that?), and about stealing ideas I haven't heard about that, but Google guys do allow their employees to spend some time to conduct their own researches, researches that usually come up with innovative invention (GTalk, etc). In my observation, this is where all the innovations come from.

    In Pirate of Silicon Valley movie, MS guys were the villain who stole ideas from Steve Jobs, and I believe it's true, hehehehe. In other word, MS has been evil from the very beginning :D

  5. In any economic model,, you would find that it is always better( for consumer) that competition is in equilibrium state. This is not gonna happen if Google too much dominating the battle field.

    Yeah,, there are lot of documents(including movies etc) that would tell you MS is an asshole . i would call them conspiracy theories. fake moon landing, suharto helped by CIA, inside work in 9/11... Those interesting facts are probably true... But the rule of thumb is :not to let your self plunge into wrong position by just so called "conspiracy theory".

    One more thing( you would probably dont agree), i havent seen any major breakthrough from apple , except for their little funny ipod and continuing charisma of steve jobs.. so, if MS is the Evil, then Apple must be the God because "some people" follow steve jobs as if He is a God.

  6. Dominating the battle field is fine, because it can motivate other company to be more creative and productive, as long as they fight fairly.

    What is bad about MS is that the applied monopoly policy in the battle field (e.g MS Windows came with lots of bundled application such as Media Player that will kill Multimedia Company), but Google? They're just too good, even if they don't use monopoly no one can beat them (at least until now). Yet, that kind of condition will force other company to work harder and harder.

    Not only from the movie, but also from the news you'll know that M$ is such an evil company (still I love their product though ;p). The movie is just a reasonable conjecture that help me to imagine M$ better :D

    Btw, I'm not one of those Apple fan boy. And steve job is no God.
